Acupuncture & [other] Modalities in Alliston
What is Acupuncture?
The theory and practice of acupuncture originated in China, where it was believed that the human body was comprised of 12 energy meridians. These meridians represent the major organs and their functions in the body. Qi, or “energy flow” within these channels harmonizes within us to create balance and good health.
Contemporary medical acupuncture is a blend of wester medical theories with traditional Chinese practice, to bring about healing. Small, sterile, surgical, stainless steel needles of varying lengths are carefully placed along specific points in the body to increase blood flow to the area, activate the neuromuscular junction and stimulate healing.
Electro-acupuncture increases the effect of regular acupuncture through the addition of an electrical stimulator to the needles to allow them to pulsate once inserted. The pulsing and vibrating of the points allows for a greater response compared to non-electro-acupuncture. Acupuncture can be done as a standalone treatment or in conjunction with other therapies (such as physiotherapy, massage therapy, chiropractic care, naturopathy, etc).
How does acupuncture work and how will it help me?
The physiotherapist will commence by conducting a detailed subjective and objective exam to determine whether acupuncture is an appropriate modality for you. The clinician, using their knowledge of anatomy of the area of dysfunction in combination with the energy meridians of Chinese medicine, guides the careful selection of acupuncture points based on the goal of the treatment. The traditional medical acupuncture approach allows for biochemical changes to occur at the site where acupuncture needles are inserted into the body. The body recognizes that a foreign object (the small, single-use, sterile acupuncture needle) has been introduced beneath the skin and marks it as a foreign invader (a small threat to the area). The body then activates an immune mediated response, increasing blood flow, pain relieving endorphins and nutrition to the site of the needles. There are many other neuro-physiological changes that simultaneously occur in the brain and spinal cord upon the insertion of the needle into the body.
Acupuncture can help with the following signs and symptoms;
- Pain
- Swelling
- Discomfort
- Increasing range of movement of a joint
- Nervous system activation
- Stress, anxiety, mood and energy levels
- Acute & chronic injuries
& many others!
What other modalities are available to me at Mindful Movement?
What other modalities are available to me at Mindful Movement?
What other modalities are available to me at Mindful Movement?
Unit 7 - 35 Victoria Street East
Alliston, ON, L9R 1T4
(entrance from the parking lot,
off Wellington St.)
*our office is located INSIDE the
Caring Hands Midwifery clinic
Office Hours
Monday through Friday by appointment only
Saturday & Sunday by appointment only
Mindful Movement Physiotherapy
* Located in Town Square, next to the Beach House Spa.
Entrance to the unit is from the PARKING lot, off of Wellington Street.
* Our physiotherapy clinic is located INSIDE the Caring Hands Midwifery office